Monday, February 25, 2013

Pre States

Temp: 32'
Snow: Dry powder for 32'

Swix 60', Rhode 0', Rhode top line 0' and Rhode top line 0-2

Swix 60: Great Kick, glide good on long runs, poor glide of quick transitions

Rhode 0': Near Perfect

Rhode 0' top line: Great kick, good glide on long runs, poor glide in transitions, and not free on uphill strides

Rhode 0-2 top line: Awesome glide, very free when striding, but had to ski well and compress.

Pick- The better skiers would be wise to us the 0-2, skiers wanting a little more kick could use the traditional 0' and still put down a good race. Other waxes to test would have been Rhode Multigrade and Rhode topline 0-1

Flying moose

Temp: Upper 20's, near 30'
Snow: Powder, damp almost glazing snow
Wax: Members of NWVE skied on Toko Red and Rhode 0' and the Rhode top line 0' All were successful  I tested the two 0' waxes, both performed extremely well. Top line felt a little faster off the transitions, and  as temps rose, held its kick longer. In a second test following the race I tested top line 0' against Ski go HF yellow. Temps were rising and the tracks had started to glaze. The ski go HF yellow seemed to kick well, but the top line 0' was free'er and still the wax to race on. I would definitely like to test the HF yellow around or just above 32' in the range of Swix 60' and 70'

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Craftsbury Marathon

Temp: 1-12'F
Snow: Man made and tranformed natural snow very well tilled, in a few section the tracks were down to ice or courser grained snow.

The wax I used today was spray on green klister, covered with KR30. This worked well for me, early in the race it was not kicking as well as I would have liked, but as the course got skied in and loose snow started to fill the tracks, the ski's improved. I tried to fix the lack of kick by adding some Rhode special blue, but this created far too much drag. Others tried similar products with similar results. The trouble was the course was very transformed so a softer wax would have kicked better, but the tiller did such a nice job, there were allot of sharp snow crystals in the mix with cold temps. Others tried toko blue, and found it worked at least as well and possible a touch better. Steve Wright went outside the box and Used Rhode Chola as a binder, covered it with rex Blue Klister and then appled two layers of toko white hard wax and added a final layer of Mint for more speed. He had an excellent race and liked his ski's. Today the spray on green binder worked well for me as I lost less wax than those applying straight blue.